Different Types of Breaks

Random Team Break:

- Random Team breaks consist of everyone in the break paying the same amount of money for a certain amount of random teams. Teams will be randomized on random.org live on the instagram stream once the break is full. One example of a random team break would be a NBA Break: $35/Spot, 10 spots available, 3 random teams per spot. Whichever team/team's get randomly selected to you will be the cards you will receive from the break.


Pick Your Team (PYT):

- Pick Your Team breaks consist of teams/countries having different prices depending on the value of the cards in the box. One example of a Pick Your Team (PYT) break would be a hockey break with 32 NHL teams. Canadians may be purchased for $149 while Kraken can be purchased for $29. The higher priced the team, the higher the potential value the team may have in the product. Whichever team you purchase is the cards you will receive from the break. Once every team is purchased the break will run.


Hit Draft/Snake Draft:

- Hit Drafts/Snake Drafts consist of breaks with usually only 1 or 2 boxes and don't contain a high amount of cards. You will purchase 1 spot for 1 card in Hit Drafts, and in Snake Drafts 1 spot can = 2 or more cards depending on what is stated in the breaks description. An example of a hit draft would be $75 for 1 spot, 7 spots available. The names will be randomized through Random.org live on stream and the order that it finishes on will be the drafting order. If you land spot 1 you get to pick first out of all the cards available and so on until every card is taken. If the box contains more cards then the amount of spots purchased the list will be re randomized to determine who gets the remaining picks in what order. Snake Draft works extremely similar to Hit Drafts. The difference is that you will receive more then 1 card and the order is done slightly different. For example if the box contains 14 cards there will be 7 spots available. The 7 names of the spots purchased would be randomized live on Random.org. If you receive spot 1 then you will also receive spot 14 as your second spot. In a 7 spot randomizer the list would look like this: 

- Spot 1&14 - Spot 2&13 - Spot 3&12 - Spot 4&11 - Spot 5&10 - Spot 6&9 - Spot 7&8


*In any break other than Hit/Snake Drafts cards with multiple teams will be randomized between the party's who own the respective teams or if their are multiple cards in a break with different teams the cards will be randomized by the position the players are in. For example a card with 3 different teams would be randomized left/center/right and the card would go to whichever player is closest to the left, center or right. If someone has all the teams on the card then it will not be randomized and the card will be given to the person with all the teams*


*If you have any questions regarding breaks or the procedure of them please contact us prior to the break running